Monday, June 24, 2013

Three Aspects Of Galut

In order to appreciate black you need to see white. In order to appreciate the geulah for which we pine, we need to first understand galus.

The Maharal in the first chapter of the Sefer Netzach Yisrael explains that there are three reasons why the galus is unnatural for us and an unnatural reality cannot continue indefinitely.

1] Eretz Yisrael is the natural habitat of the Jewish people. Leaving Eretz Yisrael was an unnatural event that necessitates the tikun of return.

2] Being scattered [פיזור]. The natural state of the Jewish people is to be together and not spread out all over the earth [or mostly in Long Island, Manhattan and certain parts of New Jersey]. We must be reassembled together.

3] Being under foreign rule. Every nation deserves to be free in their land. The galus created a situation where we where subservient to other nations. The modern state of Israel did not solve this problem. We are still subordinate to America, the U.N. and, frankly, the entire world. Also, the Israeli government is not exactly comprised of lovers of Hashem who cry out shema yisrael every day with mesirus nefesh and attend the tischen of Rav Tzvi Meir Zilberberg Shlita.

So, b'kitzur, we are in galus and need a geula....

Rav Moshe Schapiro added: This is expressed in the bracha: Ti-ka bi-shofar gadol licheiruseinu [blow the shofar to free us from the shackles of the Gentiles], vi-sa neis likabeitz galuyoseinu [raise a banner to gather in the scattered], vi-kabtzeinu yachad mey-arba kanfos ha-aretz [bring us back to Israel].

Bimheira Biyameinu!!:-)

An easy fast that should end with a trip to Yerushalayim where we will tantz with Moshiach!