Thursday, June 20, 2013

Every Single Bird

From an email....

Could you post this on the blog lizecher nishmas Rav Neuwirth zaztzal, thanks!

One time a group of askanim was able to access a huge quantity of chickens for sheathing to be distributed to hundreds of poor families. They reserved a time slot in the slaughterhouse, hired shochtim and Rav Neuwirth was to oversee the operation. On that day the motorized lifts used to unload the chickens from the truck were not working and the workers- without any regard for the wellbeing of the birds- had simply hurled the crates containing thousands of chickens out of the truck down to the ground.
Rav Neuwirth saw the commotion and paskened that all the chickens were suspected of being treifos [they were injured in a way that rendered them unkosher]. It took him hours, but the Rav personally inspected every single chicken, to see if each bird was capable of walking 4 amos on it's own as the Halacha requires. He didn't leave the spot until he determined the status of every single bird!
-from Mishpacha Magazine, p.39

Those who can read stories in Hebrew can see here.