Monday, June 17, 2013


On the top of my gmail page I have a "word of the day". Today's was "mishpocho". I clicked [bad yetzer of curiosity]. This is what I got:-):

mishpocha \mish-PAW-khuh, -POOKH-uh\ , noun:
an entire family network comprising relatives by blood and marriage and sometimes including close friends; clan.
Levinsky told him he didn't need a lawyer. "Dealing with us is like mishpocha. Who needs a lawyer to talk to mishpocha." Simon learned later they had cheated him, but who cares, who would have cared?
-- Arthur A. Cohen, In the Days of Simon Stern, 1973
“You can speak now. We're all mishpocha here and we got no secrets.”
-- Leon Uris, Exodus, 1958
Remember sweetest friends!!! We are all mish-PAW-khuh, or mish -POOKH-uh!!
אחינו כל בית ישראל!!:-)