Tuesday, June 18, 2013

An Affectionate Rosh Yeshiva

I was never zoche to learn in the Mir Yeshiva. I came across this video of their recent dinner in New York. I didn't watch the whole thing, just the very beginning and the very end. I obseved as the new and very youthful looking Rosh Yeshiva kissed just about every talmid!

THAT is my type of Rosh Yeshiva. May he be blessed. The Rambam rules [Talmud Torah 5/ 12]  li-halacha that a Rebbi must relate to his students with the same love normally reserved for his own sons. A father kisses his sons [or he should] and happily the Mirrer Rosh Yeshiva kisses and loves his talmidim as well. He clearly follows his holy father Rav Nosson Tzvi, zchuso yagein aleinu, who had tremendous love for his talmidim.