Tuesday, May 28, 2013

The Power Of The Eye

ועיני ישראל כבדו מזוקן לא יוכל לראות ויגש אותם אליו ויחבק וינשק להם - "The eyes of Yisrael were heavy with age, he couldn't see, and he brought them [Yosef's sons] close and he hugged and kissed them."

What is the connection between Yisrael's poor vision and the hug and kiss at the end of the pasuk?

Explains the Sforno: In order to receive a bracha there must be a deep emotional connection between the one blessing and the one being blessed. This is created by LOOKING at the one being blessed. However, since Yaakov couldn't see, the closeness and connection was created by the hug and kiss.

This means that by merely  LOOKING we connect deeply. The windows are the eyes of the soul and looking allows the object viewed to penetrate the soul.

There is a concept in the gemara called "hezek ri-iyah", that by looking at someones property one can actually damage it. How does this work? Explains the Ralbag that looking at something is like taking it into your own possession.

This expains the hava amina [notion] of the gemara that by merely LOOKING at an object one can acquire it [הבטה קונה in Spanish].

If you can merely SEE a city that was walled in the time of Yehoshua Bin Nun, you read the Megilla on the 15th as the walled city does. Being able to see is like being there.

Where am I going with this??

IT ISSSSSS SUMMMMMERRRRTIIIMMEEEE!!! We men MUST watch what we see. It is DANGEROUS to see things that shouldn't be seen. Our society is SCREAMING AT US to view inappropriate things. It may seem harmless to look but it really corrupts our very tender souls. How do we know? Because the Torah teaches us this. It is actually a pasuk in this weeks parsha - ולא תתורו אחרי לבבכם ואחרי עיניכם - don't follow your eyes and see what you shouldn't.

When Rav Aharon Kotler was in Kletzk he used to go to the Beis Medrash the long way in order to avoid seeing what he shouldn't [you can imagine that in Kletzk women dressed far more modestly than they do today]. One time he was walking with two boys who were afraid to walk Rav Aharon's way because there were scary hungry dogs. Rav Aharon said "Don't worry. Hold on to my coattalis and you will be fine." They did and the hungry dogs didn't make a peep.

[Orah Vi-simcha page רכג]

And LADIES! Daughters of Israel!! Remember, men are most probably looking at you - even if you don't notice. By dressing modestly you are saving their souls. I give you not mussar! I just remind you that what his holy is hidden. The holy of holies was hidden from the eye and so is your soul. So is Hashem. What is holy is hidden. Make your body holy.

This is a topic I should revisit because our spiritual foundation is based on our level of shmiras einayim.