Sunday, May 26, 2013

Just Wait

When I was first married, I would spend many a shabbos in Har Nof. The Rav of the shul where I davened [Rav Kitzis] would speak EVERY WEEK about מזמור שיר ליום השבת. For years he discussed this perek. I must admit that I don't remember much of what he said but there is one idea that sticks out in my mind. The perek concludes "להגיד כי ישר השם צורי ולא עולתה בו" - To say that Hashem is just, my Rock in whom there is no wrongdoing".

At the END we always see that Hashem is  ישר - just. When things are rough He sometimes seems unjust, but if we just have patience we will eventually see how perfect He is.

I hope it isn't irreverent to say [based on the pasuk] "Hashem Yisborach, you Rock!" צורי ולא עולתה בו.

Sweetest friends, have patience and wait for things to come together.