Sunday, January 13, 2013

The Most Important Knowledge

במה ששלימות האדם בידיעת ובהשגת
הנמצאים, היה יותר ראשונה לדעת ולהשיג מהות עצמו
The Maharal opens up his sefer Beer HaGolah with a critical insight. It is VERY important to understand the world around us. To understand the world is to understand it's Maker. But far more important is knowing and understanding yourself. He notes that only the very wise understand themselves. See also the Maharal on the 48 Kinyanei Torah, one of which is המכיר את מקומו. A person must not overestimate himself nor underestimate himself. He must know his true value and capabilities, strengths and weaknesses.
I've said it before and I'll say it again [Socrates beat me to it - see the hakdama to Alei Shor]: KNOW THYSELF!!:)