Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Shabbos 5a: Fixing Mistaken Hotzaa

לרפואת הרב יצחק מנחם בן גיטל מירל בריינדל לאה

If someone walks outside on Shabbos into a רשות הרבים and realizes that he is carrying something in his hand or pocket. What is the halachic way to minimize his chilul Shabbos?

1] The best way is to throw it down with a shinui. For example - Shaking it out of his pocket. [That is הנחה with a שינוי].

If it is something expensive that may break there are other ways.

2] Place it on a מקום פטור which is less than 4 by 4 tfachim wide and higher than 3 tfachim off the ground.

3] DON'T STOP. Keep walking and place the object in a רשות היחיד - preferably the one he came from. This way he did both the עקירה and הנחה in רשות היחיד.

עיין בספר חשוקי חמד עמ' סג ובשו"ת ארץ צבי ח"א סי' עו