Saturday, October 27, 2012

A Gadol Is Niftar

Rav Avraham Genachovsky ztz"l, a Rosh Yeshiva of the Chebiner Yeshiva was unfortunately niftar recently. He far surpassed just about any living Rav. He was a master of the entire Torah and stories of his genius abound. He had thousands and thousands of pages of his chiddushim that could fill many volumes but refused to publish because he was afraid that they weren't worthy [except for a small sefer his father asked him to publish in his mother's memory]. But a few words not about his Torah knowledge but about about his sparkling middos...

He was once learning and heard a neighbor's baby crying. The parents were out and the baby sitter was irresponsible [she either fell asleep or left]. He took a ladder and with all of his 70 years climbed into the apartment to calm the baby down.

He never said "That's not correct" or "Just the opposite" or "What are you talking about?" during the course of a talmudic discussion. Anyone who has ever heard the rhetoric bandied about during arguments knows how amazing that is. Also, someone of his intelligence should have been very annoyed by the brainless things boys would sometime say.

He accustomed himself to say איזה יופי - "How lovely!!", when something happened that people would usually say "Oh darn" or other words of frustration.

His mother was more "modern" and had FOUR doctorates [now you see where he got his genius]. She insisted that he receive certification to be a judge on a beis din. So for kibbud aim he went to Heichal Shlomo and was tested by Rav Eliyashav who was the head judge on the court. After speaking in learning for a little while, Rav Eliyashiv was convinced that he had a giant standing before him and certified him as judge. That was the first and last time they met. Rav Genachovsky didn't like to spend time with other gedolim because he didn't want to trouble them with the need to give him kavod.

When he was first married there was a large creepy crawly in his apartment and his wife wanted him to kill it. He said that he would prefer not to kill a creation of Hashem. He took a dustpan and removed it from the house.

He never called a woman by name [for tzniyus purposes].

He would sit in the shiur of the head Rosh Yeshiva and afterwards would bring proofs before the boys to butress the Rosh Yeshiva's thesis in the shiur.

He would travel long distances to attend weddings of students so that the boy's in-laws would see how much he valued the student.

Just a few of the countless stories that are being told... Maybe more to come:-)