Sunday, September 23, 2012

Receiving From A Rebbe

In the Pachad Yitzchak shiur we were zoche to give yesterday he said something דרך אגב which we glossed over because it wasn't a central point but it has been on my mind so I share. 

באופן דהידוק ההתקשרות היתירה של התלמיד לרבו אינה באה בתור שמירה מכח הסותר אלא היא באה בתור התקשרות לשם עצמה, התקשרות לשם התקשרות, בכדי שהחבור והזווג עם הרב יורגש יותר ויהיה מוחשי יותר, וממילא יתרחב כלי הקיבול שלו
In such a way, that the extra connection of a talmid to a Rebbe doesn't come [merely] to prevent an breakdown of the relationship but as a connection for itself, connection for the sake of connection, in order that the connection with the Rav should be felt more and be more palpable and inevitably [the student's] capacity to receive from his Rebbe will be increased.
[Pachad Yitzchak Yom Kippur Page 62-63]
Let me expand a bit: A good Rebbe has so much to offer a student both emotionally, spiritually and academically. The more the student connects to the Rebbe the more he is going to absorb. Every movement, word and action of the Rebbe will be a source of enlightenment and edification [we are talking about an ideal Rebbe and ideal talmid of course]. The weaker the connection the less the talmid will be able to receive. That is why Elisha didn't just learn Torah from Eliyahu Hanavi but actually took care of his Rebbe's physical needs [see Brachos 7b]. This expanded and deepened his connection beyond just the regular "Rebbe says shiur-Talmid copies into his notebook". I see the difference between people who are deeply connected to a Rebbe and those who are not. It is often a difference between being a seriously committed Jew and the opposite.