Monday, September 3, 2012

My New Friend

I was in the subway today so OF COURSE something blogworthy happened. I met a bareheaded Israeli guy from Tel Aviv who looked totally secular. But then he showed me the tefillin marks on his arm and started talking about the Ramchal and mekubalim and how important it is to love haShem. He told me that his Rebbe [of blessed memory, a parush I never heard of named Rav Avraham Dayan] could tell a person's deeds from his VOICE. Once he was talking to his Rebbe and his Rebbe said "Last night you did such and such an aveira" [העון הידוע]. He said "How do you know?" [He had in fact done this sin]. The Rebbe answered "I hear it in your voice."

He insisted on giving me a few dollars for the yeshiva before he got off [at "Fift Avenu"]. I told him he didn't have to and embraced him [RIGHT IN THE MIDDLE OF THE TRAIN!] but he insisted.

He told me he is 35 and needs a shidduch. I told him that I'd put his name on the blog so that people daven. Ron ben Ella.  

The Jewish people are indeed filled with mitzvos like a pomegranate.