Sunday, July 8, 2012

New Beginnings

Today we commemorate the shattering of the holy luchos that Hashem gave Moshe. Strangely enough the Torah ends with the words אשר עשה משה לעיני כל ישראל- That Moshe did in front of the eyes of all of the Jewish people. What did he do? The answer is that he shattered the luchos. What a strange way to end the Torah??? So depressing!

No sir-ee! Not depressing at all!!

The kabalistic sefer hayetzira teaches us about a concept called סופו נעוץ בתחילתו - the end is rooted in the beginning. How does the Torah begin?? With the word בראשית - In the beginning. The luchos were shattered but then we start again anew!! Nothing ever is so destroyed that it can't be fixed. There is ALWAYS a new beginning.

Look at the word for grave - קבר. OK - now scramble the letters and what do you get? בקר - Morning. Even after the grave there will be a new morning, a new start.

SWEEETEST FRIENDS!! PLEASE. NEVER GIVE UP HOPE. WE CAN FIX EVERYTHING. That is what the beginning and end of the Torah teaches us - and everything in between...

Love and blessings:-)