Friday, June 22, 2012

Who Is More Worthy?

A thought on Korach:

After Korach challenged Aharon and said that he is not worthy of being Kohen Gadol and that Korach himself is the man for the job, the pasuk says that MOSHE fell on his face. What about Aharon himself? How did he react? Ramban - HE AGREED WITH KORACH! He felt that in principle Korach was more worthy than he, but what could he do, there was a Divine decree that Aharon should be Kohen Gadol.
We should always be zoche to see how everyone around us is filled with goodness, or as Reb Elimelech said it - "She'nire kol echad maalas chavareinu vi'lo chesronam"!

A Shabbos of Bliss!