Monday, June 18, 2012

This was forwarded to me. I thank S.M.

YOM KIPPUR KOTON TOMORROW! As many gather tomorrow to recite Yom Kippur Koton before Rosh Chodesh Tammuz, there will be a special gathering in Flatbush at Kehillas Bais Avigdor (Rabbi Kahn’s Shul--1721 Ave J) to recite the entire Sefer Tehillim before Yom Kippur Koton.  Tehillim will begin at 5:40 P.M., followed by Yom Kippur Koton at 7:40 P.M.  The organizers have advised us as follows: HaRav Chaim Kanievsky, Shlita, has written that Yom Kippur Koton is mesugal for all types of yeshuos- particularly health and refuah. R’l we all know of Acheinu Bnei Yisroel who need a speedy refuah sheleima.  The Tehillim and davening program are particularly dedicated l’zechus l’refuah sheleima for Yisroel Refoel Ben Sarah Nesheh.  The Bostoner Rebbe of Flatbush, Shlita, teaches on the Pasuk “Me Yemallel Gevuros Hashem Yashmiah Kol Tehilaso” is the source for saying the whole Tehillim (Kol Tehilaso) without a hefsek as a way to ask Hashem to indeed display His Gevuros by changing the current tevah (nature) and showing His Gevurah to His children by creating a new positive reality!