Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Did The Rambam Learn Rashi?

This morning I had a meeting with the RICHEST Individual in the world. He gave me as much time as I wanted. I'm like "Dad, PLEASE HELP. It's Al. Your son from Yerushalayim. Just trying to advance Your 3,300 year project for which You created the world. Toirrraaahhh". Anyway, I am sure it will help. [Orthodox Jews call this "Shachris"].

After the meeting I found myself eavesdropping on a chavrusa between a Professor of Jewish Studies and someone else. I heard the following gem:

There is a raging debate among scholars as to whether the Rambam saw the writings of Rashi. There is no conclusive proof either way. A possible proof that he did...

The Rambam wrote three versions of his Mishnah Torah. The differences between version one and two are merely stylistic. The differences between version one and version three are substantive. Sometimes the Rambam actually changed his psak. When he did so one finds that he follows the opinion of Rashi even when Rashi's opinion runs counter to all the other rishonim. This leads people to believe that in between the writing of the first and third versions of his Mishnah Torah the Rambam acquired a manuscript of Rashi's writings and was so impressed that he changed his opinions to conform with those of Rashi.
