Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Be Normal?

An idea I heard and agree with....

People often say "Be normal".

Let us define the word. ZUGT dictionary.com - "Conforming to the standard or the common type"

So, was the Chofetz Chaim normal? Was Moshe Rabbeinu normal? No and no.  Do we want our children to be "normal"? We want our children to be exceptional! It is normal to be narcissistic. It is normal to be selfish. It is normal to get angry. It is normal not to return phone calls. It is normal to take ritalin or other "delectables". It is normal for your mind to wander during shmoneh esrei and for your eyes to wander on the street.

We are not striving for normal. It doesn't say נורמל תהיו. It says קדושים תהיו. We are striving for holiness. For everything that is pure, good and filled with Divine light.

Don't be "normal".

Be exceptional.