Saturday, April 28, 2012

So Far

Sweetest friends - my Kotzker side is begging for expression. You'll forgive me:-).

I am an observant Jew which means that I observe Jews [in addition to observing mitzvos]. I see a lot of wonderful qualities. מי כעמך ישראל גוי אחד בארץ. So special. Really.

On the other hand I see so many people I know who are almost completely blind to their inadequacies. They move on in life with this false sense of security that they are doing GREAT when the reality is that they are light years away from where they should be. People who are ignorant of so much Torah think that they are Talmidei Chachomim. People whose character leaves so much to be desired are under the impression that they are great baalei middos. People who think that they are good husbands/wives/parents have no idea what that means and what the Torah expects of them. People think that their davening is a davening and it's not even close. They might not even be yotzei many times.

People go through life and barely change. I have known people for decades and they basically remain the same with some possible slight modifications.

This post is not for people with low self esteem [i.e. 90 percent of the population. I made that statistic up but it might be accurate...]. Such people need ego boosts. This post is for people living with a false delusionary sense of security that they are awesome-off-the-charts-super-duper-stand-up-and-salute-me.

If you try to explain to these people what is wrong with THEY DON'T KNOW WHAT YOU ARE TALKING ABOUT. They think you are OFF THE WALL.

An illness that is correctly diagnosed is dangerous. An undiagnosed illness is many, many times more dangerous.

המבין יבין.

I would explain more of what I mean but I fear that I will only be understood by a select few. Instead I will conclude this post and return to toisphos in yevamos ל' עמוד ב' ד"ה אשה זו בחזקת היתר לשוק.

Any thoughts [on what I wrote or the tosphos]?