Saturday, March 10, 2012

Pouring It On

From my beloved friend Reb Daniel Zweigbaum.

Hope all is well!

Just something I wrote on the subway, I don't really if it's accurate, would love to hear your thoughts. Have a great shabbos!

When one performs an action here in the physical world, it has large implications on moving and changing the spiritual worlds. Furthermore, even our thoughts are "heard" by Hashem, and He acts as a mirror of our inner emotions, and reflects these same feelings towards us. When one is filled with simcha and love for Ha'kadosh Boruch'Hu, Hashem acts towards us with that same love and simcha. If chas v'shalom, someone is filled with anger, Hashem might reflect that anger upon them. In my humble opinion, this is pshat of the phrase, "when it rains, it pours." We've all been through points in our lives where we have experienced a pattern of "good things," as well as a pattern of "bad things" (parenthetically speaking, I don't believe that Hashem does "bad" to people, only what we perceive as bad because of our limited foresight & vision). If you think back to that week where you got multiple names "read" to you for shidduch purposes, or when you were looking for a job, and almost out of nowhere you received more than one job offer,can you think of why this happened? I would like to suggest that after the initial shidduch offer, or that first job offer after all of that time searching, you had a renewed sense of emunah that Hashem has His plan, and a "maybe this is the one" attitude instilled within you. Hashem saw this spark of simcha in your neshama and acted accordingly by "pouring" on the positives.

May we all be zoche to see all of the good Hashem does for us in our daily lives. In zchus of leading simcha filled lives, may Hashem reflect this simcha upon k'lal Yisroel, and bring Moshiach bimhera b'yamenu.