Monday, February 27, 2012

Taking Stock Of The Soul - The Stock Market - My Plans For When I Make My Fortune

In the haftorah of parshas zachor we read about Shaul Hamelech being commanded to completely wipe out Amalek including their livestock but he didn't finish the job and decided to spare their livestock [שמואל א' פרק ט"ו].

[If he would have listened and killed them they would have been "deadstock". In the title I also used the word "stock". Should I invest in stocks? I heard you need money to do that. Is that true? Why do you need money for everything that costs money? And why the more it costs the more you need? If your stock plummets is that "deadstock"? Am I the only one who thinks I am funny?? Well what I think about myself matters most because I have to spend all day every day with me. You know - I"m dating myself these days. The shadchanit is my mother. I sorta want to be a professional comedian. They just read out jokes other people write for them and I know how to read - thanks again to my shadchanit who used to read (shadchanim don't only "red", they also read) to me as a child. Then I can get paid lots of money and invest in "live stocks" i.e. stocks that will make me big bucks. Then I will use the money to buy clothing for the unfortunate, impoverished people I will see in New York City when I come this spring, who can barely afford clothing, thus being compelled to wear skimpy outfits.]

Shaul sees Shmuel coming to him and he is SO PROUD! הקימותי את דבר השם - I upheld the word of Hashem!

Shmuel replies: No you are tragically mistaken - כי מאסתה את דבר השם וימאסך השם מהיות מלך על ישראל - You have rejected the word of Hashem and He has rejected you from being king of Israel.

Rav Mordechai Shulman Ztz"l the Rosh Yeshiva of Slabodka, used to say that many people walk around with the feeling that they are doing GREAT, PERFECTO, NO PROBLEMO, SUPER-DUPER. While in fact they are really doing just the opposite.

[משמר הלוי פרשת צו]

If you are reading this and thinking "He's got a point, I have to do a cheshbon hanefesh", then you are on the road to perfection. If you are thinking, "He is nuts, I am flawless" you may have a point [about me being nuts] but perfection will necessarily elude you.