Tuesday, February 21, 2012

The Power Of Music

The gemara in meseches ערכין [daf י] says that there was a מגריפה - a rake in the beis hamikdash that would make beautiful music. Rashi explains that this rake was used to do the mitzva of הרמת הדשן and remove the ashes from the beis hamikdash. Tosphos asks on Rashi that the gemara says that it was a musical instrument and not for removing the ashes. So Tosfos concludes that there were two rakes - one for music and another one for the ashes. But Rashi says that there was only one rake. How is he going to answer Tosfos' question?

A Chassidic answer from the Holy Piasetzna in his Aish Kodesh [Vaera]: When the Jews see the ashes they are liable to feel despair. How depressing. Burnt nothing! They do the mitzva of הרמת הדשן lifting up the ashes, by playing beautiful music and expressing their trust in Hashem.