Sunday, November 6, 2011


Some cities have a policy that in order to collect money, one must first stand before a committee and prove that he is really needy, whereupon he receives a certificate allowing him to collect. Rav Menashe Klein ztz"l [one of the greatest gaonim of our generation who passed away erev rosh hashana] wrote a responsum in the 13th volume of his Mishne Halachos FORBIDDING this practice [the questioner was a Rov from Chicago]. He says that this process humiliates the poor.

I like that! Sensitivity to the plight of the poor. Poor people have feelings too!!

And please sweetest friends, before you send me emails arguing with him - please read the teshuva!


Something to think about as we read about Sodom in this weeks parsha.

PS - A groyser yasher koach to YF who posted the teshuva in the comments for all to read.