Thursday, August 25, 2011

The Power Of A Makom Kadosh

The Medrash tells the story of Yosef Meshisa who was sent by the goyim into the beis hamikdash and was told he could keep whatever he takes out. He took out the menorah and they told him that he can't have it because a regular invidual person doesn't need such a thing for himself [ain darko shel hedyot li'hishtamesh bah], so he should take out something else. He changed his mind about defiling the beis hamikdash and refused - upon which the goyim brutally mudered him.

What caused this sudden change in his attitude?? First he desecrates the beis hamikdash and then he is willing to die in order to refrain from repeating the sin?

The experience of being in the beis hamikdash is what affected him. It wasn't enough to prevent him from taking out the menorah in the first place but it had taken its desired affect by the time they told him to go in a second time.

A beis medrash is the closest thing we have today to a beis hamikdash. Just ENTERING the beis medrash can elevate a person.

[Based on the Ponivitcher Rov Ztzl"]

THANK G-D that Elul is around the corner and we can finally return to the batei medrash!!

Even better for those fortunate ones who never left:-).

Love and blessings!