Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Listen To Him Talk

When you are talking with somebody there are [at least] 3 possibilities. 1] He primarily wants to hear. 2] He primarily wants to talk. 3] He wants to both hear and talk - what we call a dialogue.

We are accustomed to thinking that tefilla is us talking and Hashem listening [we hope..]. The TRUTH is that tefilla is a dialogue and Hashem is also talking to us. We have to listen to the words of tefilla and hear what HE is saying to us.

Maybe that is what R' Nachman meant when he said that all of your tfillos should be Torah. Torah is Hashem speaking to us and so should tefilla be.

I am probably not allowed to end a sentence with "be". But be it. Or "it be".

[Based on the sefer "Yichud Vi'hisbodedus"]