Thursday, May 26, 2011

כי מאתך היא מנוחתם

On Shabbos we say at Mincha "yakira banecha vi'yedu ki may'etcha hee minuchasam" - Your sons should recognize that from you is their rest. Why is it important to know that our rest is from Hashem? The important thing is that we rest. Why do we care from whence the rest emantes?

There is a rest of sleeping, relaxing and chilling.

And there is a rest of returning to your true self. Not trying to be "out there". Not trying to be someone you are not. A rest of connecting to that deep, holy part inside of you.

That second type of rest is the rest that comes from Hashem. We must know that our rest emanates from the source.

Based on the Torah of the "Fired'ike Rebbe" of Yerushalayim.