Sunday, January 9, 2011

The Great Cellphone!

I found this on Cross-Currents. My only comment is ...... GEVALDIK!!!!:)

Using the Blackberry for the first time, I called the Sudilkover Rebbe to speak to him before he returned to Eretz Yisroel. I asked him what, based upon his life experience, had helped him the most in his avodas Hashem. The Rebbe answered with one simple word, “Tefilla”.

He explained to me that a person should talk to Hashem on numerous occasions throughout the course of the day for everything large and small; before learning, before eating, while sitting at their desk at work, and even before routine errands.

The Rebbe then said me something that I didn’t expect to hear from him. He told me that in his opinion the cellphone was one of the greatest inventions in the past few decades.

The reason for this was because it gave a person the ability to walk on the street and talk to Hashem without giving the appearance that he was insane.