Thursday, September 2, 2010

Marriage #6

Rav Chaim Vital the student of the Arizal is quoted in the sefarim as saying that in Shomayim one is judged first and foremost on how he treated his spouse. If he is derelict in this area all of his other interpersonal mitzvos are discarded!

A story that may or may not be true. A man I know of is mamesh, mamesh a tzaddik. He donated his kidney to a complete stranger. He saved a life and a life, the gemara teaches, is like an entire world. Wow!

He also unceremoniously dumped his wife who is completely brokenhearted and demanded a divorce because "I am not in love with you anymore" and caused the poor children tremendous emotional turmoil.

How is Hashem judging this person? I don't know but I suspect......