Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Ignoring The Most Important Person

People walk around worrying about what others think. Even people they will never see them again. A person at the fish store, the post office, the bank etc. etc. While at the same time they ignore by FAR the most important person in their life. A person who they know and feel in the most intimate and profound way. A person who they will spend the rest of their lives with and on into ETERNITY.


Tyere friends! PLEASE!!! Stop caring what people think about you! Who cares, let them think. Your job is to become the greatest person you can possibly become.

A few points to ponder.

1] Most people are far too self centered to spend all that much time thinking about anybody but themselves. The heilige Alter Of Novardok said that a person walks down the street and thinks that everybody is noticing his shiny shoes. Not.

2] How can someone else be an objective judge of you. NOBODY really knows you as you know yourself. You are an insider, everybody else is an outsider.

3] You have your own value system so why should you need to be concerned that your values don't square with someone elses value system. I have yet to meet a person who thinks even remotely like me. SO WHO CARES!

4] You will NEVER please everyone anyhow, so why bother trying.

5] When you try to please others you become someone you are not. This is the premature death of the real you. The real you is what the Ribbono Shel Olam wants.

6] When you are the real you, you become a genuine person. That is a much more attractive proposition than all of the fakers around us. They are sad people. Sad to be them and sad to know them.

7] Imagine that a person you know has the face of a human being but the body of an elephant. Think about that. Funny huh? But did anything happen in reality? GOR-NICHT! ZILCHO! NOTHING! "Sticks and stones ... but his ignorant thoughts won't hurt me."

PS Here is the last of the three המוציא מחבירו עליו הראיה shiurim. I am soooo nervous. I hope people like it. But what if they don't?! Then what?! Will people think I am stupid?! Will peeple think I can't spel?! "Spellcheck" certainly thinks so!! Maybe nobody will want to be my friend?! Or they will think that I can't learn well! Then they will discover I am not "Rav Ehrman" but just an impostor with a black hat and beard? Then what?
