Monday, August 16, 2010

Do What You Can!!

The Sfas Emes is OFF THE CHARTS AWESOME! Maran HaRav Hutner once gave one of his famous ma'amarim in Chaim Berlin. Afterwards one of the talmidim approached him and noted that what he said was already said by the Sfas Emes. Rav Hutner replied "Is there anything that the Sfas Emes didn't say?!"

A Sfas Emes in Terumah: Moshe was commanded to make the Menorah but was having great difficuly fulfilling the command. So Hashem said "Don't worry about it. Throw the gold in the fire and the Menorah will emerge." And so it was.

Fregt the Holy Light the Sfas Emes: If he can't do it, why command him in the first place??


Answer: Moshe was required to perform to the extent of his capability and ONLY then can he merit Divne help.

We, too, must do every we can to be GREAT and Hashem will take care of the rest.