Monday, March 15, 2010

What Is Tefilla?

Li'ilui Nishmas Esther Bas Shmuel my sweet great-grandmother.

Something I heard.

Why is our tefilla so weak? [I will speak for myself. Why is MY tefilla so weak?]

Because we make back up plans. "G-d, please give me x,y and z but if you don't - I will figure out a way to manage".


That is not tefilla. Tefilla is "G-d, PLEASE!! I need you and you can do it for me." No foreign thoughts. No: "We will figure out a way to manage even if you don't come through for me".

Tefilla is realizing that you can't live without Hashem's mercy. AFTERWARDS, if it doesn't work out as you planned [she dumped you, you were turned down for the job, the doctor said you need that medicine], then you realize that this is absolutely the BEST thing for you. But when you are davening - you know that Hashem can and absolutely wants to help you because he loves you.

I daven for moshiach and my thoughts must be "Ribbono Shel Olam - We NEED moshiach!!! Please, redeem us as quickly as possible. We can't take this bitter galus anymore".

Tefilla, says the Maharal, is knowing that you are "chaser" [not chasing as in "chase that car", but with a hard chof]. You have NOTHING without G-d, no eyes, ears mouth, lungs, liver, blood, brain, LIFE.

OYYYYY - Sweetest friends. Already 1500 years ago the gemara said that people don't daven properly. Today - so maaaaaaany cellphones going off, foreign thoughts, talking, rushing ["Nu nu - start chazaras hashatz already" meaning "Let's get out of shul already. It's such a pain"] and other distractions.

Let's make the tikkun.