Wednesday, March 17, 2010

One For The Friend

A Jew goes to the bar EVERY night and he orders a 2 Jack Daniels [Hey, Ehrman! How do you know what a "Jack Daniels" is? Easy! He was a chavrusa of mine in Yeshiva. Then he went into business and was very successful. R' Yankev I used to call him.]

Every night for years, 2 drinks.

One night the bartender asks him why he always orders specifically 2? He explained that he was in the war in Vietnam and he had a very close friend who was killed by the enemy. So he drinks one for himself and one for his friend.

Years pass and he continued with this custom. One night he comes to the bar and orders only one Jack Daniels. "Voos epes" asked the bartender. "Why only one?"

"I quit drinking", was the reply.

The moral: When you really love someone you identify with him. The Yid had quit drinking but his friend HADN'T so he still had one for his friend.

We should all be zoche to feel our friends pains and joys.