Thursday, March 18, 2010

Mevakesh Lev And The Chimpanzee

Since I told a dating story in a previous post I will tell another. I will leave it up to you to determine if it actually happened or not and if I married the girl.

So we are strolling in the Jerusalem Zoo and we stop to look at the chimpanzees. I say to the girl "You see the chimpanzee over there?" "Yes" she replies. "Do you see me?" "Yes." "Well that chimpanzee can learn a daf gemara [here I pause for effect] better than I can."

She looks at me with momentary disbelief and then starts to giggle. THAT one she has never heard before.

End of story.

But when I ponder what I said [if I actually said it] there is a lot of truth to it. There is only ONE thing that makes me more intelligent than a chimpanzee [if you think I am:)]. G-d. Hashem granted ME intelligence and didn't grant it to a chimpanzee. But if He wanted a chimp could be Einstein compared to me. "Atah chonen liADAM Daas". To a person and not an animal. But You could have decided otherwise. [Something to thing about next shmoneh esrei.]

This notion humbles me. I am 000000000000000000000000000000 [MANY zeros] and EVERYTHING I have is a gift from Above.

So thank you Hashem. You are good to me. I will try to be good back to You.