Sunday, February 21, 2010


When Rav Shraga Feivel Mendelovitz embarked on a fundraising mission to finance his Yeshiva, his first stop was in Scranton to a wealthy former talmid who had left practicing Judaism behind. Rav Shraga Feivel hoped that he would lavish some of his incredible wealth on the Yeshiva where he spent his childhood.The wealthy Talmid greeted his old rebbi graciously. He was expecting a warm bracha despite his wayward path, since after all Rav Shraga Feivel came to get money from him. To his shock, Rav Shraga Feivel took one look at him and said, "Woe is unto me. I am destined to burn in Gehinom for raising a Talmid that turned out like you!"The wealthy former talmid was taken aback and deeply moved by his rebbi's purity and integrity. Even for money he would not show false favor. The Talmid then gave a generous donation to the Yeshiva. (Shlucha D'Rachmana)


This reminds me of a story of the Holy Of Holies, The Klausenberger Rebbe. There was once a man who was going to give the Rebbe an extremely large sum of money for his institutions. The Rebbe quizzed the man: Do you keep Shabbos? No. Do you shave with a razor? Yes. etc. etc. Then the Rebbe ripped him [this was a man who knew better]. He said "I know that you are going to give the money elsewhere and you are going to get a lot of honor. But maybe one day you will remember that an old man told you that you have to keep mitzvos and you will correct your ways." Needless to say the Rebbe didn't take his money. [Heard from Rav Asher Weiss Shlita]

Sweetest friends!!! Are there dishonest people who wear yarmulkes and put on tefillin? UNFORTUNATELY! But we must remember that there are also many great people of impeccable integrity and we should strive to emulate them!